Dexter L. Scott and Dr. Tonya Joyner-Scott are dynamic workshop facilitators / conference presenters trainers, authors, coaches, leaders, certified national/international speakers and mindset development instructors. They have over 15 years of motivating and inspiring audiences to get out of their own way. They have presented in person / virtually to thousands and have trained on countless platforms seeking to teach people the tools to slow down and understand the process which will speed up their success rate.
We may not know you,
but, we know
what's in you.

They learned to think differently.
It’s not magic. If you want radical change in your life, you have to shift the way you think. Dexter and Tonya did just this, and their lives changed. Getting out of their way needed their participation, so the fear of failure and fear of success were finally put in its place, and their personal UPgrade started and continues to this day.
Known for their authentic and passionate delivery in everything they do, Dexter and Tonya believe that normal people, just like them, are destined to do extraordinary things.
They help others to live lives FREE of mediocrity, limiting beliefs, and the fear of failure.

Services Offered

It astounds us how little we were taught about the mind, its power, and its role in our lives. Our lives did not begin to change until we realized that our minds have the power to either unlock or stifle our full potential. We are now teaching others what we have come to know. If your life isn’t reflecting what you want, you need to challenge your thinking patterns. It’s about more than just things; it’s about relationships, hopes and dreams, peace, joy, and happiness. Bring us to your group or sign up for one of our workshops when they become available. (Make certain you’re following us.) Our courses will literally change your life and push you to overcome obstacles that are oftenly self-imposed or learned/acquired generationally.

UPgraders Academy
One thing we’ve realized is that we are purposed to help people come out of mediocrity. Having worked in different areas of county and state government, we believe that many employed people deal with the conditioning of the mind and heart as a result of personal and professional life experiences. We know this to be limiting beliefs, cushioned by comfort zones. Comfort zones may feel good in the moment, but over time, the comfort fades and life reveals shortcomings, lack, and loss. It’s time to break free and join The UPgraders Academy. This membership gives you access to The UPgraders’ ongoing personal development coaching, training, and challenge-based community. It’s time to address the issues that are causing roadblocks into your future. Prepare to increase your level of influence, your visibility, confidence; and tips and tools to help take your life to the next level.

Online Courses
Take advantage of our online self-study courses at your own pace. Most people become stuck and unable to move forward. We address the challenges to help you get past stuck, whether it’s the fear of missing the mark or not feeling comfortable in your own skin. Learn how to get out of your own way and pursue your goals and dreams in these courses. The following courses are available for immediate download:
"In order to achieve any goal, your mind has to arrive here first."- Dexter L. Scott

This 5-Day Challenge is for you if you are ready to awaken the sleeping giant within, stop making excuses and take control of your destiny. Get Out of Your Future’s Way will prime your brain for success by teaching tools that produce lasting change. You will receive information designed to produce dramatic results in how you move quickly! Zig Ziglar said “If what stands between us and our dreams is thin air, then expect us to do whatever it takes.” Are you ready to do what it takes? Be prepared because this program is about commitment through action. Getting out of your way begins… Now!
If you want to know when the next challenge begins, click here to be alerted by us and we’ll see you there!
You’ll be glad you did!
Our Adorable Family
So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.
1 Corinthians 13:13