Tonya Joyner-Scott

The UPgraders Get Started & Keep Going Challenge

Often times, people don’t take action because they just can’t seem to get started. The desire is there, but the motivation seems to be interrupted by fear, lack of confidence and lots of anxiety that makes them question themselves and their dreams. It’s time to rise above the limitations and grab hold of your dream and GET STARTED!

Learn these KEY principles to help you create and unlock your goals and desires, while also learning and overcoming some key blockages to doing so.

Think & Grow Rich Workshop

Are you anything like we were? Knowing there was more to life, but not quite sure what to do to see it happen. We would drive through neighborhoods wondering what people did for a living to own the gorgeous properties they had. We also wondered how people came to own so much real estate and could travel the world as they did.

In those days, life was pretty tough. We experienced bankruptcies and foreclosures, as well as repossessions.

We worked daly, but nothing ever seem to increase. the raise would be 2% and the health insurance, and/or inflation swallowed it up. We knew how to rob Peter to pay Paul, but after a while, it had to stop. Can you say frustrated?

It seemed to be normal and what most people in our circle were familiar with. Like Bob Proctor said, we also felt this way, “Always faintly aware of the issue, but too busy living a ‘normal life’ to do anything about it.”

Things began to change after we attended a class where we were given a copy of Think & Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill.

It was the beginning of change in our life. No more mediocrity, but a shift in the mind which showed up in our actions.

Our income finally hit 6 figures for the first time ever, and multiple 7 figures were soon earned as we continued to “Think & Grow Rich”. Have us come and work with your group on these 13 principles that will literally change your life.

Communication Styles - Understanding You & Them - Increasing Your Bottom Line

Communication is essential in anything you do.    It’s critical to understand your own communication style and how it affects those with whom you work with, go to church with, or even your family. It’s also critical to understand communication styles if you want to advance your company or team, increase employee retention, and increase your bottom line.  Knowing how to talk with others, approach them with ideas, or move them to action requires understanding of how they process information and what matters most to them.   

In this workshop, you will come to not only understand others, but also yourself better.   Prepare to create  positive work environments and build stronger relationships with the application of this course.

Quick note:  Our communication style is typically established by the time we reach adulthood. The good news is that it is never too late to learn how to effectively communicate with others and to better understand yourself. Knowing the communication styles of those you work with, manage, or lead is extremely beneficial when assigning projects and resolving conflicts.  Prepare to be UPgraded!


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